There's a place for everyone

Welcome to Denmark’s largest booking portal for camping

Find your next holiday among +200 different campsites with almost 40,000 units located all around Denmark. 

sommerblomster på et bord
Familie med poolen på campingpladsen
Familie på autocampertur
Find the campsite that meets your holiday dreams.
The Campingguide 2025

The Campingguide 2025

Get the printed version of the Campingguide 2025 at caravan dealers, tourist agencies, service stations or at the DK-CAMP campsites.

And, if you can't wait, read it online here

How is your dream vacation?

We are proud to offer you +200 independent and unique campsites throughout all of Denmark. Each campsite offers you a wide variety of opportunities for your holiday.

Besides from chosing the location you also have the posibilities to choose the level of comfort according to your preferences.

Whether you would like to explore the beautiful Danish countryside or one of the many exciting cities there will always be a campsite near you, with accommodations that suits your needs. It all depends on how you prefer to spend your holiday - do you want a low key vacation with your partner or a family holiday packed with a lot of activities and fun?

DK-CAMP is owned by the campsites themselves with the purpose of making it easy for you to go camping in Denmark. 

The possibilities are plentiful and the choice is yours. 

Find the right campsite for you