Cabins on Funen
Is a cabin holiday on Funen at the top of your wishlist? That is totally understandable. Who wouldn’t like to visit Langeland or some of the other islands in the archipelago of Funen. On Funen and the surrounding islands, you will find idyllic landscapes, historical memories from Denmark’s past and charming market towns.
Find a campsite with rental cabins on Funen and the surrounding islands that lives up to your dreams of a perfect holiday:
Your cabin holiday on Funen starts here
Cabins come in all shapes and sizes. At the DK-CAMP campsites, you can rent both luxury cabins or simple cabins. No matter what cabin type you prefer there is plenty to choose from on Funen and the surrounding islands.
If you are in doubt about which type of cabin to book for your holiday on Funen and the surrounding islands, then read more about them here:
Rent a simple cabin at a Danish Campsite
A simple cabin is perfect for you, who wish to stay in simple surroundings. Find and book yours and choose between more than 200 campsites across Denmark.
Rent a luxury cabin on DK-CAMP for your holiday
A Luxury cabin is perfect for you, who wish to stay in comfortable surroundings. Find and book yours and choose between +200 campsites in Denmark.
Experiences on Funen and the surrounding islands
The idyllic expectations of Funen, described by the native writer Morten Korch, definitely comes true in the summer. Funen and the surrounding islands offer scenic nature and charming market towns. Take your family on a journey along the coast and visit the charming farm stores and market towns along the route. You could also visit the viking museum Ladby in Kerteminde. Set sail for Ærø and chill out in beautiful Ærøskøbing and Marsta, or explore the stunning nature and stone settings on Langeland. The harbor town of Troense on Tåsinge or Lundeborg in the southeast of Funen is also worth a visit during your cabin holiday.
History is also hard to avoid on Funen. Here it is possible to explore the traces of the first natives at Mårhøj Gravhøj by Hindsholm or Hulbjerg Jættestue in the south of Langeland.
Photo: Niclas Jessen
Funen is full of experiences
On Funen estates and chateaus are closer than anywhere else in Denmark, and you can find over 125 chateaus with 30 of them being open to the public. Some of them used to belong to royalty and others are former monasteries. These buildings often have gorgeous parks and interesting collections and they clearly make their mark in the landscape of Funen. Egeskov Slot, Broholm, Krengerup and Valdemars Slot are worth definitely worth a visit.
Find your cabin holiday on Funen right here
Funen and the surrounding islands are obvious destinations for vacations, and you can find lots of rental cabins on Funen and the surrounding islands through the DK-CAMP campsites. There are several different cabins, and surely there is also one for you.
See the opportunities for your fairytale holiday on Funen here: