Experience Zealand

Zealand and the southern islands of Møn and Lolland-Falster are like stones in a crevice, obstructing the free flow of water between the Baltic Sea and the Kattegat. The landscapes on these islands range from the hilly Northern Zealand, rich in forests and lakes, to the flat expanses of Lolland.

Amongst the forests and hills of Northern Zealand, you will find Arresø, the largest lake in Denmark by area, and Esrum Sø, the largest lake by volume of water. For centuries this region has been the Danish Kings’ favourite summer residence. You will consequently find some of our most splendid castles here, such as Frederiksborg Slot and Fredensborg Slot.

Copenhagen is not only Denmark’s dynamic capital but also its centre of government and the residential city of the royal family. There are plenty of shops, attractions, and cultural offerings in the city centre. For families with children, the Zoo, the National Museum, the Blue Planet Aquarium, or a trip with the nature interpreter at Kalvebod Fælled are highly recommended.

Family on the beach at Møn's cliff

Photo: Sarah Green


Photo: Rolands Varsbergs

Experience the beautiful cities and sights

Visit beautiful mansions

The rest of Zealand’s landscape is incredibly diverse with gentle bays, striking hills, and lush forests. Visit cosy market towns such as Skælskør and Store Heddinge or beautiful mansions like Lerchenborg and Gavnø. The area between Sorø and Ringsted abounds with cultural relics. Here you can visit Zealand’s only round church, Bjernede Kirke.

History comes alive in the countryside around the Viking settlement at Lejre and its living museum, Sagnlandet Lejre. Skjoldenæsholm’s tramway museum is a time warp with working trams, while West Zealand’s vintage trains weave through the countryside at a dizzying 60-70km per hour.

The market town of Præstø

The southern coast of Zealand features a unique ‘double coastline’ where inlets and coves are sealed from the sea by islands and peninsulas. Here the Suså River also runs a meandering path. The market town of Præstø, which looks like the setting of a vintage Danish movie, is worth a visit, as is nearby Køng, a beautiful old factory village.

Møn and Lolland-Falster

The southern islands of Møn and Lolland-Falster are bursting with coves, bays, and spits. Some of the country’s highest hills are found here, but it also includes large flat areas of reclaimed land below sea level. Møns Klint and the lakes surrounding Maribo are some of the region’s greatest natural sites. The varied landscape includes cosy towns, idyllic fishing villages, stunning manor houses, and churches with beautiful frescoes. If you love exotic animals, be sure to see Knuthenborg Safari Park on Lolland and the Crocodile Zoo on Falster.

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Top 10 activities on Zealand

  1. Trout and garfish fishing at Kronborg
  2. Hiking along the Mølleåen river – bring a picnic basket!
  3. Adventure climbing at Holbæk Klatrepark
  4. Taking a 20km bike ride along Køge Å
  5. Canoeing on the Suså river and Tystrup and Bavelse lakes
  6. Visiting Gerlev Activity Park in Slagelse, and trying your hand at old sports and games
  7. Biking or hiking along Fodsporet in Southern Zealand
  8. Taking a walking tour to look for peregrine falcons at Møns Klint
  9. Kayaking in the Smålandshavet archipelago
  10.   Boating on Nakskov Fjord to Enehøje and Albuen

For more information about Zealand

Attractions and experiences on Zealand